Saturday, December 7, 2013

3 Day, 3 Day, 1 Day!

I came up with this diet plan the other day (when I say diet I mean it in terms of the kinds of food I eat way more than the losing weight kind of way). I was thinking that I could do 3 days a week vegan, 3 days a week vegetarian, and 1 day a week normal (I don't want to say "cheat" because that carries the connotation of bingeing on junk food, which I will definitely try to avoid). 

I think that this will be a good way to transition into eating healthier. Along with this 331 plan I will also try avoid processed foods as much as possible (mainly referring to chips, candy, and sweets) and will stop drinking soda and replace it with lots of water. Eventually, I hope to eliminate the one normal day but I think that cutting cold turkey (pun intended) as well as drastically changing what I eat/how much I eat may be too overwhelming

I have struggled with binge eating for several years, mainly stemming from boredom and emotional problems. I usually do better in scenarios with defined rules so I think that that defining these set rules will truly help me in developing a healthier eating style and (lets be honest) losing weight too.

Finding vegan options may be difficult because I am a college student on a campus meal plan, meaning that all my food comes from the dining halls and cafeterias here. I also have little knowledge on what is truly vegan so I will have to do some research on the topic. I may be completely unprepared but I can't keep putting this off! It starts right now!

I'll keep you updated on my progress, especially during these challenging first couple of weeks! Wish me luck!

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