Saturday, December 7, 2013

3 Day, 3 Day, 1 Day!

I came up with this diet plan the other day (when I say diet I mean it in terms of the kinds of food I eat way more than the losing weight kind of way). I was thinking that I could do 3 days a week vegan, 3 days a week vegetarian, and 1 day a week normal (I don't want to say "cheat" because that carries the connotation of bingeing on junk food, which I will definitely try to avoid). 

I think that this will be a good way to transition into eating healthier. Along with this 331 plan I will also try avoid processed foods as much as possible (mainly referring to chips, candy, and sweets) and will stop drinking soda and replace it with lots of water. Eventually, I hope to eliminate the one normal day but I think that cutting cold turkey (pun intended) as well as drastically changing what I eat/how much I eat may be too overwhelming

I have struggled with binge eating for several years, mainly stemming from boredom and emotional problems. I usually do better in scenarios with defined rules so I think that that defining these set rules will truly help me in developing a healthier eating style and (lets be honest) losing weight too.

Finding vegan options may be difficult because I am a college student on a campus meal plan, meaning that all my food comes from the dining halls and cafeterias here. I also have little knowledge on what is truly vegan so I will have to do some research on the topic. I may be completely unprepared but I can't keep putting this off! It starts right now!

I'll keep you updated on my progress, especially during these challenging first couple of weeks! Wish me luck!


Here are some of my sketches from the past month or so!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sharpie Mug! Grumpy Cat Edition

This is a incredibly easy DIY craft project. This was my first attempt at a baked sharpie mug. Here's how I did it and these are my results!

Materials Needed:
Sharpie(s) - I kept it simple and only used one black sharpie but feel free to let the colors of the rainbow cover your mug!
Plain Stoneware or Porcelain Mug - I found mine and TJ Max for less than 2 dollars

My Mug and Sharpie!


1. Decide what design you would like to create. I chose grumpy cat since the person I am giving this to is a huge fan of this grumpy internet sensation.

2. I would suggest finding a photo online to serve as a guideline. You could also freestyle it if you like. I'm not the boss of you.
My Guideline
3. Grab your sharpie and begin to draw! No worries if you mess up, the sharpie comes of easily with baking soda or rubbing alcohol. 

4. Once you've finished your design, set the mug in the oven (pre-heated to 350 degrees). Set the timer for 30 minutes and dance it out as you wait.

5. Wait for it to cool. Viola! You are now a proud owner of an uber fabulous, handmade mug!

Here's how mine turned out!

Another Side Shot
A Side Shot

Just a little side note. I would suggest hand washing the mug just to protect the design. I have heard that the design can fade through the dishwasher.

Have a lovely day :)